What is Manipulation?

Manipulation is one of the techniques of a manual therapy art in physical therapy that is performed by the skilled hands of a physical therapist to increase the ability to move, improve nerve function, reduce inflammation, function of soft tissues, cartilage, muscles, and reduce pain in patients who suffer from incorrect movements through pressure. , wrong sitting, improper sleeping and standing has been designed, which in many cases causes disc protrusion.

Manipulative, which is manipulation, is done to treat the spine and is mostly used to treat neck, shoulder, back and headache.

The physiotherapist applies pressure on the patient’s body with his hands and the person reacts, and in this way the physiotherapist notices the pain point of the patient and works on the same manipulation point to treat the person. The manipulation method is safe and does not pose any risk to the patient. In this method, a quick and short blow is given to the patient’s cartilage, which has become immobile, in order to treat the patient.

By using manipulation, the structural integrity of the spine will be possible. Manipulation has nothing to do with traditional massage and is a clinical and classic treatment.


The benefits and advantages of manipulation

Due to the positive result of this treatment and the lack of use of aids, there are many people who use manipulation, among its advantages, the following can be mentioned:

  • Lumbar and neck disc herniation treatment
  • Locking of the spine
  • Severe neck spasm
  • Sacroiliac syndrome or joint locking between the lumbar and pelvic bones
  • Eliminate spastic contractions
  • Eliminate tension headaches and headaches of neck origin
  • No need to use medicine


Complications of manipulation

Manipulation is a useful and inexpensive treatment method that will have very rare side effects. The complications caused by it are also due to referring to uninformed and non-specialist people. Before starting the treatment process, doctors and physiotherapists conduct studies to prevent possible risks. The importance of careful evaluation and visit to detect bone and nerve damage in this method is very high.

Unlike some treatment methods, heart problems and blood pressure do not cause problems in manipulation. Evaluation of inexperienced doctors and physiotherapists in this field will cause serious harm to the person instead of benefit. Referring to uninformed people has complications such as vertebral rupture, spinal cord injury, myelopathy and radiculopathy.




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