What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture originates from part of the old Chinese treatments. In the Chinese acupuncture method, a series of meridians (energy passage points) are used, which are used in the old Chinese treatments in order to remove injuries and restore health  and used the approach of restoring the body’s energy balance. This balance consists of two main forces called yin and yang.

There is another type of acupuncture called Western acupuncture, which uses the same meridians plus pain-sensitive points of the body, but the approach of this type of treatment is based on the anatomy and neurophysiology of the body. In this type of acupuncture, the diagnosis and evaluation of the patient is different from the approach of Chinese acupuncture. In this type of acupuncture, the therapist’s goal is to help repair by stimulating the nervous system at local points in the body. Physiotherapists mostly use this type of acupuncture by combining manual work and therapeutic exercise and electrotherapy to treat all kinds of patients.



Acupuncture and physiotherapy as mentioned, acupuncture used in physiotherapy is its western type, which is used to reduce pain and inflammation, improve the overall health of the body, increase joint range of motion, etc.

This type of acupuncture approach can be used in different ways:


Laser acupuncture

The laser itself is an optical amplifier. Laser waves can shine through needles to painful points. This type of acupuncture is used in all kinds of neurological diseases, children, sports injuries, reduction of sensitive body points and ear problems.




Electro acupuncture

The needles used in acupuncture points can be connected to electrodes called electro acupuncture. In this way, electrical impulses with different amplitudes and frequencies enter the body. In this method, low-frequency electro acupuncture is usually used to reduce pain, which stimulates the production of chemicals in the brain that relax the body and help reduce pain.

This technique is especially used in the treatment of chronic pain. On the other hand, reducing the pain itself reduces the sensitivity of the body and reduces local inflammation.

By stimulating the body by electro acupuncture, the sympathetic system of the body is activated, which causes the release of various hormones such as endorphins, which are effective in reducing the inflammation of the area. On the other hand, by stimulating this system, the feeling of chronic pain is also reduced, which can ultimately reduce Endless stress. On the other hand, this type of modality helps to stimulate mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal cells are cells that can differentiate into different types of cells, so with the release of these types of cells, the possibility of repairing different body tissues such as bone tissues increases. One of the advantages of electro acupuncture compared to acupuncture is that it covers more points of the body.


#acupuncture #energy #health #electro-acupuncture #laser-acupuncture

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